Things You Should Look for Before Buying Used Tires

If you can afford new tires, they are the way to go. However, when you consider today's waning economy, it is not really surprising that second-hand wheels have become popular and a great way to cut down on expenses. New wheels are high-priced and are not really attractive for buyers who are short of money. However, when you choose to buy used tires you need to be very careful, you could be buying misfortune on wheels. If you want to purchase used wheels, never buy them online. Ensure you always check these used tires out in person. Here are 4 things to always look for when you want to buy: Examine for Thread The basic thread for tires is 2/32. You can gauge wheel depth by using a penny. If the coin is totally covered by the tread, this means there is enough wear. Many buyers settle for used wheels with at least 6/32 in order to get a bang for their buck before replacing. You can also check uneven tire wear by simply running your hand all over it and looking...